Monday 16 May 2011

"High tea" ... Devon style!

Welcome to sunny, beautiful Devon ... and a gorgeous Devonshire "high tea".  This is the sort of thing you read about in Enid Blyton and Agatha Christie ... but it's not fictional; a proper Devon tea is available to all, as long as you know how to put it together!

First, get yourself a two-tiered serving plate - we found this one in a Morrison's supermarket a couple of weeks ago, for around a fiver - they come in all manner of designs and colourways and you can even get three-tiered ones!  Great if you have a large family or a lot of guests coming.  Use the bottom tier for savoury food - we just had sandwiches (ham, cheese & pickle, egg & cress), but you could also have small filled rolls, slices of quiche, sausage rolls, crisps, etc - and decorate with a few bits of salad.

Now, for an authentic Devon tea, you really must include scones on the top tier - make your own or buy the best you can find.  Everyone has their own preferences for how to enjoy them (some people claim there are regional traditions, but I think it's a very individual thing) but this is how I like them: split in half, buttered very thinly, a bit of good quality strawberry jam and a generous dollop of West-country clotted cream - obviously I would always go for Devon cream, but the Cornish do a pretty nice one, too!  For a lovely, fresh-tasting extra treat (and visual pizazz) add a whole fresh strawberry to each half, complete with stalk.

It's also quite nice to add another type of cake (or several types) such as Battenburg, Swiss roll, Victoria sponge, etc, but I wouldn't do that unless we had guests, simply because Warren is diabetic and I haven't yet found a way to make diabetic cakes ... plus, he loves the scones and one type of sweet treat is enough!

V  Nothing you can't have here, veggies, apart from the ham in the sandwiches, so just swap it for peanut butter, vegetable pate (do they still make Tartex? ... yum!!), salad, sandwich spread, etc.

Oh, and the rose is from our garden ... Warren picked it for me and placed it in a pretty stem glass.  What a guy!

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