Wednesday 11 May 2011

A sausagey thing!

No name for this dish, I'm afraid ... it was just something I threw together using sausages!

We had some veg left over in the fridge from before our weekend away, which needed using up, so I defrosted some sausages and cooked up this tasty little number!  I sauteed a couple of leeks (sliced in rings) in some oil, then added a chopped courgette and some quartered chestnut mushrooms; I also pressed a huge clove of smoked garlic into the pan at this stage (we had bought a bulb of it at Darts Farm, near Topsham, on our way home on Monday) and the last few slices of a chorizo.  When this was all cooked nicely (about 15 minutes or so, and I stirred it around from time to time) I added a tin of chopped tomatoes, some black pepper and a few shakes of Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire Sauce.

Meanwhile, I had cooked the sausages in the oven until brown; these were added to the pan of sauce for the last few minutes, just to blend everything together, then I served it with a jacket potato.  Simple, quick, cheap, wholesome and delicious ... what more could you ask for?


  1. Sounds delicious, Val. I've never heard of smoked garlic before. Does it taste any different to fresh?

  2. Well, it's certainly not an overpowering flavour, Helen - but we both thought there was a subtle hint of warmth from the smokiness. However, I had added the chorizo, so we might have tasted it more without that in it!
