Wednesday 18 May 2011

"We have steak on a Tuesday"

Anyone recognising the above quote will probably also notice that I got it wrong; it's a line from the film, Shirley Valentine, but what actor Bernard Hill (who plays Shirley's husband) actually says, is, "We have steak on a Thursday ... we always have steak on a Thursday!"

Well, we don't always have steak on a Tuesday ... but we did last night and it was bloody lovely!  Griddled on the top of our lovely new cooker (see pics on my kitchen construction page), it was tender, juicy and delicious.  I put together a very tasty little side salad and re-heated some minted new potatoes from the previous night's dinner, while Warren cooked the steak, along with some luscious garlic mushrooms and griddled beer-battered onion rings.

V  *Laughs*  I'm only laughing because, unusually, the meat was the main event and somewhat irreplaceable in last night's supper and I'm quite tempted to say, "Oh look, just have the steak this one time and enjoy it!"  But I know you dear veggies can't and wouldn't do that, so if you fancy the look of this dish but want it meatless, just substitute your favourite vegetarian burger or bake.  It will still taste delicious!


  1. I always tell people that the only thing that prevents me from being a Buddhist is the next juicy steak. (And a few tender lamb chops, and a slow cooked pork belly, and a roasted chicken...) We're having steak tonight:)

  2. Ahh, honey - eating steak doesn't prevent you thinking in a Buddhist way. It's only the "badge" of Buddhism you're missing! That's the bit I'm least bothered about, to be honest, LOL xx
