Monday 18 April 2011

Salad lunch in the garden

What a glorious day!  In fact, what a glorious spell we're having, weather-wise, at the moment.  With apologies to all those who are still suffering from cold, wet, or even snowy weather (and those in the Antipodes, as they head towards winter) I am loving the sunshine and blue skies ... reminds me of so many wonderful Greek holidays.

So, naturally, it also makes me want a big plateful of salad for lunch, eaten out in the garden.  With a lovely fresh herb dressing on the lettuce, tomatoes, peppers and beetroot, Warren and I chose to top it with some tuna, hard-boiled eggs, king prawns, anchovies and coleslaw.  Absolute heaven!

Oh yeah ... we also each had one of Warren't latest batch of bread rolls.  The first batch baked in the new oven!  A mixture of white and granary, they taste lovely and are as light as a feather.


  1. Ah, son, I'm so proud of you ... I show you a beautiful plate of salad in our lovely garden and all you can say is, "Nice baps"!! LOL xxx
